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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - tease


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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. разг. задира 2. разг. попытка раздразнить, поддразнивание 3. дразнить; поддразнивать to tease smb. about his curly hair —- дразнить кого-л. за курчавые волосы he is not soon proveked, however teased —- сколько его ни дразни, его трудно вывести из себя 4. уст. надоедать, приставать to tease smb. for smth. —- периставать к кому-л. с просьбами о чем-л. he tried to tease me into staying —- он пытался уговорить меня остаться 5. домогаться, выпрашивать that child teases for everything he sees —- этот ребенок клянчит все, что ни увидит 6. чесать (шерсть) 7. ворсовать (ткань) 8. начесывать, взбивать (волосы); делать начес или прическу с начесом ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  out чесать (шерсть) TEASE  1. v.  1) дразнить; поддразнивать; he is not soon provoked, however teased - сколько его ни дразни, его трудно вывести из себя;  2) obs. надоедать, приставать; надоедать просьбами; выпрашивать; to tease smb. for smth. - приставать к кому-л.;  3) домогаться, выпрашивать  4) начёсывать, взбивать (волосы); делать начёс или причёску с начёсом - tease out  2. noun  1) = teaser  1)  2) попытка раздразнить ...
Англо-русский словарь
  v. & n. --v.tr. (also absol.) 1 a make fun of (a person or animal) playfully or unkindly or annoyingly. b tempt or allure, esp. sexually, while refusing to satisfy the desire aroused. 2 pick (wool, hair, etc.) into separate fibres. 3 dress (cloth) esp. with teasels. --n. 1 colloq. a person fond of teasing. 2 an instance of teasing (it was only a tease). Phrases and idioms tease out separate by disentangling. Derivatives teasingly adv. Etymology: OE t{aelig}san f. WG ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. transitive verb  (~d; teasing)  Etymology: Middle English tesen, from Old English t?san; akin to Old High German zeisan to ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. to disentangle and lay parallel by combing or carding ~ wool  b. ~l  2. to tear in pieces; especially to shred (a tissue or specimen) for microscopic examination  3.  a. to disturb or annoy by persistent irritating or provoking especially in a petty or mischievous way  b. to annoy with petty persistent requests ; pester; also to obtain by repeated coaxing  c. to persuade to acquiesce especially by persistent small efforts ; coax  d. to manipulate or influence as if by teasing  e. to make fun of ; kid  4. to comb (hair) by taking hold of a strand and pushing the short hairs toward the scalp with the comb  5. to tantalize especially by arousing desire or curiosity often without intending to satisfy it  Synonyms: see worry  • teasingly adverb  II. noun  Date: 1680  1. the act of teasing ; the state of being ~d  2. one that ~s ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (teases, teasing, teased) 1. To tease someone means to laugh at them or make jokes about them in order to embarrass, annoy, or upset them. He told her how the boys in East Poldown had set on him, teasing him... He teased me mercilessly about going Hollywood... ‘You must be expecting a young man,’ she teased. VERB: V n, V n about n/-ing, V with quote • Tease is also a noun. Calling her by her real name had always been one of his teases. N-COUNT • teasing She tolerated the teasing, until the fourth grade. N-UNCOUNT: also the N 2. If you refer to someone as a tease, you mean that they like laughing at people or making jokes about them. My brother’s such a tease... N-COUNT: usu sing 3. If you say that someone is teasing, you mean that they are pretending to offer you something that you want, especially sex, but then not giving it to you. I thought she was teasing, playing the innocent, but looking back, I’m not so sure... When did you last flirt with him or tease him? VERB: V, V n 4. If you refer to someone as a tease, you mean that they pretend to offer someone what they want, especially sex, but then do not give it to them. Later she heard he had told one of her friends she was a tease. N-COUNT: usu sing c darkgreen]disapproval 5. see also teasing, striptease ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to make jokes and laugh at someone in order to have fun by embarrassing them, either in a friendly way or in an unkind way  (Don't get upset, I was only teasing. | tease sb)  (Kids often tease each other. | tease sb about)  (I was teased about my weight as a child.) 2 to deliberately annoy an animal  (Stop teasing the cat!) 3 to deliberately make someone sexually excited without intending to have sex with them 4 AmE to comb your hair in the opposite direction to which it grows, so that it looks thicker; backcomb BrE tease out phr v 1 tease sth out of sb to persuade someone to tell you something that they do not want to tell you 2 (tease something out) to gently loosen or straighten hairs or threads that are stuck together  (She teased out the knots in her hair.) ~2 n informal 1 someone who enjoys making jokes at people, and embarrassing them, especially in a friendly way  (Don't take any notice of Joe - he's a big tease.) 2 someone who deliberately makes you sexually excited, but has no intention of having sex with you ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. tжsan "pluck, pull apart," from W.Gmc. *taisijanan. The original sense is of running thorns through wool or flax to separate, shred, or card the fibers. The figurative sense of "vex, worry, annoy" emerged 1619. For similar sense development, see heckle. Meaning "one who teases" is first recorded 1852. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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